Nurse Triage Medical Answering Service

The Benefits of a Daytime Call Answering Service

A call answering service comes with a broad array of benefits. While many of these benefits are centered around the after hours services that a medical answering service can provide, there are also several advantages that can come along with a daytime call answering service. At Care XM, we are able to provide both daytime and after hours services to ensure that all of your office’s needs are met. Here are a few of the benefits of a daytime call answering service.

Higher Customer Satisfaction

When you have a daytime call answering service, calls will ultimately be answered much more quickly. This will reduce the amount of time that your patients have to spend on hold. By receiving fast, effective responses, your customers will be much more satisfied. This will often help to enhance retention of your patients.

Reduce Frustration

When it is difficult for your customers to schedule appointments or contact your office, they are much more likely to get frustrated. This can have many negative consequences for your office. For one thing, your customers will be unhappy. For another thing, your employees may then have to deal with unhappy customers which, in turn, will make them unhappy. With a daytime call answering service, you will be able to reduce the amount of frustration that you, your patients, and your employees experience.

Limit Hold Time

When there is an influx in demand for your services, your patients may have to spend a great deal of time on hold. This will have a huge impact on their perception of your customer service. With a designated answering service, you will have more flexible services available to meet these needs. This will ensure that you are able to reduce hold time and keep your patients happy.

Better Communication

When your employees are flustered, you may find that communication is less than effective. This can easily result in miscommunications that can have large consequences. With a daytime call answering service, you will be able to provide better communication between your office and your patients.

Easier Appointment Scheduling

It is important to ensure that your patients can more easily schedule appointments with you. This will help to reduce the chances of no show appointments, as well as increase their overall satisfaction.

Meet Fluctuating Demands

In the medical industry, it can be difficult to identify precisely when you might experience a surge in demand. The services of a daytime call answering service will help you to easily meet these increased needs.

Increase Productivity

Every time your staff has to step away from their task to answer the phone, their productivity will dip. When you are able to work with a daytime call answering service, you will be able to see a substantial increase in productivity. This will enable you to save money and ensure your office can operate far more efficiently.

Prevent Missed Calls

When you work in the medical field, it will be important to ensure that your patients can contact you. Without a call answering service, it is possible that you will miss some calls. The right call answering service can help to prevent the likelihood of missed calls and provide additional protection for your patients.

Reduce Likelihood of Burnout

Burnout is a far too common thing in the medical industry. Your staff can be under a great deal of stress and strain, which results in burnout. When you are able to move some of the workload to a call answering service, you help to reduce the strain that is placed on your employees. This can help to reduce the chances that they will get burnt out, which can keep them happier in the workplace.

These are just a few of the benefits that can be obtained when you work with a call answering service for daytime services. They can help to handle a great deal of the customer service of your office, which will improve patient satisfaction and reduce the chances of miscommunication or missed calls. At Care XM, we offer daytime call answering services to help ensure that you can obtain all of these benefits. For more information about the advantages of daytime call answering services, contact us at Care XM today!